Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jealousy in Females

"Look at her breast"
"I know that's a rent-a-car"
"Those are contacts"
"That is not her real hair"

^^^^Those are examples of hater/envious women
There is a common thread among haters.Most often the people who hate on others are  intimidated,insecure,and or jealous about a certain characteristic they see in the person or people they are hating on.This characteristic is something that they feel they could never possess or gain.Feeling this way makes the hater feel inadequate.It is easier for these people to criticize others than change themselves.It's like we as women already have this natural reaction to compare ourselves to there women with out even noticing it. I can honestly admit i do it all the time.
   Case and Point. I get jealous of my best friend Jae all the time.She has a talent with make up that i could never understand or do it myself.And she is obber friendly to like everyone,Plus her ambition that's one thing i can say urks me sometime. Even though i'm genuinely proud of her and support her and everything she dose I tend to compare her to me. Even though i shouldn't. I'm myself is ambitious but i'm a huge procrastinator and i get bored with thing once they stop becoming a challenge for me. So i switch my ideas a lot. But not Jae she has stuck with her same dream since i met her. And I can say i have to but i kinda threw plan A away and now i'm working on plan C while i wait for the acceptance in plan B. At the end of the day that is my sister and i love her dearly we wouldn't be as close as we are if we didn't fight or envy each other every now and then.

 Stay Blessed and Beautiful Ladies and Gents  XO <3

1 comment:

  1. I dont envy you. Lol. jk.
    Its okay to procrastinate, & it doesnt have to be done right then and there.

    Lmao "Thats a rental car"

    Love you too<3
